Investigating hydrothermal alteration associated with gold mineralization in Birnin-Gwari through tranformation of aero-radiometric data


  • Y. A. Bello Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • S. C. Evans Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • H. A. Lawal Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • J. O. Alao Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • D. Daramola Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • T. O. Amuda Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • M. B Yakubu Physics Department, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
  • S. M. Hussaini Physics Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria


hydrothermal alteration, Gold mining, Potassium deviation, F parameter


Gold mining is a significant driver of wealth, serving as a reliable store of value against currency decline and a favoured hedge against inflation. Regions with hydrothermal alteration are key indicators of gold mineralization, and certain mapping techniques have proven effective for identifying these zones. However, these techniques have not yet been applied within the Birnin Gwari Schist Belt. This study used these established techniques to examine the spectrometric data over a known gold mine within the belt. The findings reveal that the gold mine area shows moderate potassium levels with low thorium and uranium readings, indicating hydrothermal alteration. Additionally, a region northwest of the mine may have undergone a similar alteration, suggesting a potential gold mine (PGM). The ternary map indicates the location of both the gold mine and PGM have high potassium concentrations. Both sites also record high Kd values, consistent with potassic alteration. The computed parameter value for the gold mine and PGM suggests their rock formations have undergone moderate alteration.


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How to Cite

Investigating hydrothermal alteration associated with gold mineralization in Birnin-Gwari through tranformation of aero-radiometric data. (2025). Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 2(1), 171.

How to Cite

Investigating hydrothermal alteration associated with gold mineralization in Birnin-Gwari through tranformation of aero-radiometric data. (2025). Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 2(1), 171.