Effect of deformation on alpha decay of super-heavy nuclei within a Woods-Saxon model


  • S. A. Shittu Department of Physics and Materials Science, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
  • H. A. Mustapha Department of Physics and Materials Science, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria


Alpha decay, Woods-Saxon model, Deformation, Super-heavy nuclei


In this research, alpha decay study of super-heavy nuclei has been carried out by employing the Woods-Saxon model potential. The spherical and deformed Woods-Saxon model have been employed to investigate the effect of deformation on the super-heavy nuclei via alpha decay. When compared with experimental data, the two models are found to perform very well in describing the experimental half-life data. Moreover, results obtained by considering deformation is found to give better agreement with the experimental data than the results using spherical configuration. This is mainly because the super-heavy nuclei have non-zero deformation parameters. The study concludes that deformation should be considered when studying super-heavy nuclei, and that the deformed Woods-Saxon model is more complete in describing the interaction between the alpha decay and the daughter nuclei as it has a low standard deviation value of 0.5012 compared to 0.6260 when only sphericity is considered.


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How to Cite

Effect of deformation on alpha decay of super-heavy nuclei within a Woods-Saxon model. (2025). Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 2(1), 177. https://doi.org/10.61298/pnspsc.2025.2.177

How to Cite

Effect of deformation on alpha decay of super-heavy nuclei within a Woods-Saxon model. (2025). Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 2(1), 177. https://doi.org/10.61298/pnspsc.2025.2.177